Friday, June 18, 2010

A Total Relooking

At the Académie Française, that august body that is the protector of pure French, there must be a gnashing of teeth. In daily life, the language is constantly being “mondialized” (to anglicize the French term). There is no escaping the creep of globalization.
french Consider these borrowings and adaptations from English:
  • Total relooking – a complete make-over
  • Espresso et un brownie
  • Sandwich au choix your choice of sandwich
  • Le hot dog
  • Le muffin myrtille – a blueberry muffin
  • Donut
  • Une pasta box à emporter a small box to be hydrated with hot water for a pasta meal
  • Café Snack – name of a coffee and snack counter
  • Auto Grill name of a highway restaurant
  • Stand Chaud – a hot buffet
  • Chicken nuggets et frites – chicken nuggets and French fries, not at McDonald’s
  • Simply Market grocery store name
  • Break Pain – name of coffee and bread/pastry shop (like a coffee break?)
  • Un camping car - a motor home
  • Quickos something you order at McDonald’s (not to be confused with quickies)
  • Speedy name of an automobile oil change, etc. shop
  • Le brushing – at a hair salon, ask for this to blow-dry hair
  • Le footing jogging
  • Athle-Running name of athletic shoe store
  • C’est nickel – it is bright and shiny, in perfect condition
  • C’est super - it’s super
  • Le scotch  - trying to figure out how to say scotch tape? Easy.
  • Vente de mobile homes – sale of mobile homes, although you might not understand these words when spoken: mobeelome.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Universal Directions

tours (2)
Going around and around in a round-about with five exits and not sure which way to go?  There is an easy solution. Just follow the top arrow for “All Directions”.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Medieval Lavardin

We have been going for hikes in the surrounding area. For this outing we started at the foot of the Château in Lavardin, about a twenty minute drive away. We enjoyed the cliffs with troglodyte dwellings on one side of Lavardin, the view. the town itself and a path along the Loir river.
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Monday, June 14, 2010

Gathering at La C….rie

The sun came out for the family lunch that MD had planned. She made a delicious Moroccan Lamb Tajine.

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

La Ferme de Nouray

We drive to a nearby farm for fresh produce.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Rainy Day

It is a rainy day. I sit on the veranda and enjoy the bucolic view as I sip my hot coffee and check email.DSCN4344

Thursday, June 10, 2010


MD’s farmhouse, where we are staying, was built in 1897. We are just 15 minutes by car from lovely Vendôme which is located on the Le Loir tributary of La Loire. Vendôme is a pleasing venue for long walks.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Birdhouse Project

The birds are giddy with Spring libido. We have been tracking them in the dense foliage of trees with binoculars. It is much easier to get an eye-full at a feeder, but cousin MD’s had fallen down because the post rotted. So the morning project was born.
 DSCN4282 Success. Now we just need to get the birdseed.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Cheese Keeper

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Ahhh, back in France.

This was our abundant cheese board at lunch today at MD’s. The Le Mothais goat cheese wrapped in chestnut tree leaves was remarkable for its flavor and my favorite. When finished, we set the whole cheese board in a small garde-manger used as a garde-fromages where it fits perfectly. The cheeses are kept in a cool pantry by an open window, not in the refrigerator, so that they are ready to eat and not too cold to taste.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Glen in Frankenstein

We hiked up to the Frankenstein fortification through green woods full of birds and a variety of wildflowers. There are 67 Nabingers (original spelling of Glen's surname) in the phone book here and he spoke with two. One was an 80 year old woman who can read without glasses and is very quick, literally and figuratively ,and very nice.
P.S. We nicknamed the GPS "Gypsy" and told her to speak English. However, her pronunciation of French and German place names is practically unintelligible.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

GPS-ing in France

The GPS checked the satellite and knows it is in France now. Oh la la, it may start speaking French to Glen. "Fallait pas tourner ici, andouille." ( You should not have turned here, dummy.)Heureusement il a sa traductrice (he has his translator with him). We are on the road for Wolfersweiler this morning.