Friday, August 31, 2007

Lumbarda, Korcula, Croatia

We spent a few days at the Bon Repos, a European vacation destination about 10 minutes walk to walled, old Korcula town. The families there were primarily German and Croatian, with a sprinkling of English, Italian and other Eastern Europeans. For so many people, children and teenagers, the ambience was very pleasant and the noise that of people chatting and having a good time--not at all rowdy. Our apartment was very pleasant and we enjoyed seeing the families.

There was a violin camp at Bon Repos with students from all over Europe practicing, performing and attending master classes. Bars of classical violin music floated through the air through the day and evening.

We moved yesterday to Apartments Lina in Lumbarda, at the end of one of Korcula's roads. Our apartment is even nicer, some 50 yards from the Adriatic. We have a terrace with a veiw of a tiny marina and the sea. To our great disappointment the sail boards and boats we planned to sail out over the next few dazs are not for rent unless one has a package vacation with Nielsen's out of England. :-(. I have their website address, but not with me at the moment. We need to regroup for our activities over the next few days.

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