Friday, May 16, 2008

Sicily's Best Asset: The Sicilians Themselves

The sun is shining, all is well. We leave Villa Farli tomorrow.

Sicily's greatest asset is its people. Sicilians are a delight. They are direct and assertive in their communication style, and at the same time they are pleasant and go to great lengths to be helpful. None of us have encountered any rough edges in our interaction.

Service personnel seem happy with life and their jobs, which contrasts sharply with the sullen attititude encountered in many places, which certainly includes the United States.

'Where can I find an ATM, please?' The waiter tells the owner he is leaving for a moment and takes one of our group in his own car to an ATM and brings him back.

'Where is X restaurant?' The person will most likely lead you there in their car.

A restaurant bill is incorrect. It is discussed assertively, in detail, but without any sign of defensiveness or irritation.

The people's attitude: Italy is nice, but Sicily is BELLO. 'I had the good fortune to be born here, live here and I hope to die here.'

There is, of course, high unemployment and economic hardship. Many smaller towns are closed up with houses and business locales abandoned--drab and sad, falling into ruin. Young people leave for better opportunity. Nonetheless, with all of the archeological sites, fine art and history here, our group of ten friends agree that the Sicilian people themselves have been our best and most enjoyable discovery.

18 May 2008 - P.S. Ubiquitous Sicilian charm does not seem to radiate into Palermo and vicinity. This may be a general characteristic of populous urban areas.

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