Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Springtime in Aberdeen

Ah, Spring has sprung in Aberdeen. Yesterday the sun shone on the grey granite edifices, the grey sidewalks, and the grey cobblestones. The temperature was a balmy high 50's F., with damp, stiff winds off the sea. I wore several layers and a pure wool hat made by the Purhepecha Indians of Mexico for comfort. Mature adults glanced curiously at me as they shed their jackets baring their arms to the clement, mild weather. Young women's fancy turned to those thoughts that perenially bother one in Springtime especially, and they flitted around in stiletto sandals and flimsy, strapless and strappy sundresses. Shirtsleeves and even sandals and a few pairs of shorts sported around the city center. This was the residents' chance. What must be a very short summer season is fast approaching. I cannot imagine how frigid winter must be. Today I awoke to a grey sky as backdrop to this steely-grey city...a monochromatic cityscape punctuated by sharp spires and interesting historic buildings.
Yesterday Glen and I shared shared a gargantuan order of fish and chips, and last night we saw the black comedy 'In Bruges' at an Art Cinema House. We visited the Maritime Museum, which was particularly interesting for its displays and information on the North Sea oil drilling which is both the bones and the flesh of Aberdeen's economy.
When we board the Aleksey Maryshev tomorrow, I will not have internet access except for emergency purposes, as you know.

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